We Support Local and Direct Suppliers
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We happily support small, family run businesses. Born and raised in Silver Gate, Laurie cherishes with her whole heart this special mountain haven. Keeping it special takes a strong green commitment that is difficult for any business. In gateway communities it takes swimming upstream because infrastructure is catching up to environmental ethics.
Most of our green practices (below) do not come easy, as they might in the "real world." For example, for most people recycling means walking 50 feet to their recycling can. For Log Cabin Cafe we transport our own recycables over 29 miles to the closest recycle location.

Ground Beef
Coon’s Age Farm, less than 100 miles east of the Log Cabin Cafe. Grass fed, free range cows. Raised sustainably without hormones.

Smoked Salmon
Northern Lights Smokery, Petersburg Alaska. Wild and caught by local fishermen, packaged without dyes in a family smokery.

Fresh Trout
Buhl, Idaho, less than 500 miles.

Wheat Montana Bakery in Gallatin Valley, Montana, less than 150 miles. Chemical and Pesticide Free & Non GMO.

Grown without chemicals, pesticides or genetic modification, which have proven harmful to the planet and human health.

Baby Greens, Tomatoes, Coffee, Pasta Sauce, Oils, Herbs and many seasonal vegetables are organic.

Outdoor log furniture from Cooke City's Republic Creek Furniture.

Milled just up the road by Drew Morell.

Screen Printing
T-shirts printed by Mantis Graphics who has been providing eco printing for 20 years with chemical free ink.

Our T-shirts and Bed and Breakfast cabin linens are 100% Organic Cotton.

Non-toxic Supplies
Safe cleaning products and other supplies keep harmful chemicals out of groundwater and soil.

Glass, aluminum, paper and plastic.

Limited “To-Go” Containers
No paper “to go” beverages, reusable mugs only. Eco Friendly “to go” boxes for leftovers and take out orders.